
Showing posts from February, 2009

Microsoft Excel Training and Word 2007 Tutorial

Would You Like Quick, Free Excel & Word Tutorials? is a free website for learning and self-practicing all of the basics of Excel. Free Microsoft Word tutorial videos can also be found on the left menu. The site includes many tutorial videos and easy step-by-step manual instructions. Choose one of the subjects from the collection of buttons at the top of the site, and a list of relevant videos will appear. The videos are online, short and very easy to understand. These tutorials are created especially for beginners, but it's not just a collection of basic tips. After all, how many Excel users know how to use the VLOOKUP function? Not many. These free tips will show you how.

Creating Classroom Web Sites (Cheaply)

The Classroom Web Site Services & Tools The Freebies: : Free. Drag and drop widgets. Here is an example I set up for myself: : Free. Drag and drop widgets. Here is an example of one used by a PHASD teacher: : Free. Drag and drop personal widgets available. It also has over 35 site designs to choose from. Hover your cursor over a design to automatically change your page. There is also the option to download a complete ZIP file ready to upload to your server. Here is an example of a Weebly site: MOODLE : Free in our District. Allows you to create entire courses online. Everyone who visits the site needs a login and/or enrollment key (course password). Here is an example of a moodle site I created: You can log in as a Guest. Google Sites : ( ) Free with a Gmail account. Here is on