When New Technology Isn't Always the Best Solution

I've been wanting to write this for quite a while, and I think now is the perfect time. Despite the fact that I make my living off of "technology," I am becoming more and more depressed by a mindset that looks down on anything remotely considered "old technology," advocating that it should be thrown out and replaced with new and more updated technology. In other words, just because something is old, technology advocates (which will remain nameless) are continually deeming it worthless or complete junk. This frustrates me. There is still a place for equipment considered "old technology" because the new stuff simply doesn't always accomplish what the older stuff did. My picture above speaks volumes: New Coke vs. Classic Coke. What was the result? Classic Coke just worked. New isn't always better. Older technology isn't promoted because it makes very little "new money" for the manufacturers. Of course I will offer plenty...