Where Are Those Big Files Hiding? Clean Up Your Hard Drive That question pretty much says it all. Where are those space hogs on your computer? There has to be a chunk of space that is being used by something, something which can probably be deleted...but where is it and what is it? Here is a utility that will tell you. WinDirStat is short for Windows Directory Statistics. Amazingly, it runs on Windows 95 all the way up through Vista. There isn't much of anything in the computer world that can make that claim anymore. On the Web site above, you will find several screenshots that show you what WinDirStat looks like. I have two of them presented here. But what does it do exactly? First, it reads the whole directory tree once and then presents it in three useful views: The Directory List , which resembles the tree view of Windows Explorer but is sorted by file/subtree size, t he TreeMap , which shows the whole contents of the directory tree straight away, and th