Greenshot - A Free Screenshot Tool Optimized for Productivity

I have used many screenshot tools and methods over the years. These have ranged from the simple pressing of the PrtScn button and pasting it into Paint or Word, to adding flair with Microsoft Office's Drawing tools, then switching to Techsmith's SnagIt and then back to Windows 7's Snipping Tool . I don't know how long Greenshot has been around, but as of today, I have found my new screenshot tool, and it is free. I first read about Greenshot when doing a search for how to quickly add arrows and notes to a screenshot that could then be added to a Google Doc. My search took me to this blog entry from , so my thanks go out to the teachers in Ontario, Canada who edit this blog. I really hate the "Drawing" method ( Insert--Drawing) that Google Docs uses to insert any type of annotation, including arrows and circles, which I use often when creating tutorials. I don't mind using the drawing features of Microsoft ...