529 Tips for Better Computing

You read it right...529 Tips

All right. This is it. If this comprehensive list of computer tips doesn't answer and solve your recent, current, and future tech questions/problems, nothing will. At least for now. PC Magazine published this article on their site, and I'm posting it here, just in case you missed it. Leading off in a very worthy place, the Windows Vista operating system, this compendium of tips tackles hardware as well as software (even Excel, PowerPoint and Word are covered) and business. With hundreds of tips in each section by the magagazine's analysts and editors, they have really outdone themselves here. Included are hacks, add-ons, advice, how-tos. This collection of tips will take a while to wade through, but it's well worth it. Here is a tip for you. Click on the links at the left of the site to jump directly to any particular section in the 529. Then you don't have to tirelessly click on the arrows at the bottom of every page. It is all laid out in the left-side Table of Contents. Now that's helpful.

What sections are covered, you ask? Where do I begin? Outlook 2007 is there, keyboard shortcuts for Excel, PowerPoint tips, Apple Leopard tricks, PC upgrades, digital organization and Google Tools are all topics that are covered in the first half of the collection alone; but wait, there's more. Just take my word for it. This is well worth spending a week on. So, digg it, post it to del.icio.us, post it to Slashdot, blog about it, E-mail it. What ever you do, read it. Good job, PC Magazine! You deserve a lot of credit for this one.


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