
One advantage TeacherTube has over YouTube (beside NOT being blocked by school Internet filters) is that video clips are easy to download directly to your desktop. I say easily. Hmm. Yes, it is easy to share your video clips (as it is in YouTube and Google Video) via an e-mail Web link. You can even embed the link within a Web site, but if you want to play the downloaded .flv (Flash) video clips as stand-alone movies, once downloaded you can go to ZamZar.com to convert the .flv file to any file extension of your choice, or, a better option, is to download the Free FLVplayer and easily drag and drop the file into the FLV Player. It's one of those free utilities I talk about all the time. So far I have posted one student-and-teacher-produced video to TeacherTube. Here is a link to it. Hopefully it will be the first of many.
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