Google Notebook

All About Google Notebook
In my April 1st post about the best advanced Google search features, I mentioned Google Notebook. But today I would like to emphasize the importance of this underrated tool. In the words of the Internet giant themselves, here are all of the things it can do:
  • Clip useful information. You can add clippings of text, images and links from web pages to your Google Notebook without ever leaving your browser window.

  • Organize your notes. You can create multiple notebooks, divide them into sections, and drag-and-drop your notes to stay organized.

  • Get access from anywhere. You can access your Google Notebooks from any computer by using your Google Accounts login.

  • Publish your notebook. You can share your Google Notebook with the world by making it public.

  • Now you can also get access from your phone. You can now access Google Notebook from your mobile phone by going to
For a Google Notebook Tour, take a look at this:

Now, we're assuming that you have either a GMail account or a Google account. Either will do. Once you have this, you can go to and log in - in the top right corner of the site. It says iGoogle. This will give you access to every Google tool you have used so far. Just click on the "My Account" link and you will see all of the Google applications you have used, including GMail, Google Page Creator, Google Talk, etc. Being the Google experimenter that I am, I had 14 different Google apps listed in My Account. I like to play.

As for Google Notebook, upon first use, they recommend that you download the new Google Toolbar (BETA) with Google Notebook here and with Notebook on your Google Toolbar, you can:
  • Clip and collect information as you surf the Web

  • Organize your notes from the Web page you're on, and

  • Access your notebooks online from any computer.

  • Firefox users, there is a version available for you too. Here is the Firefox Extension:

Many of you already have the Google Toolbar, so this new version is not a big deal. I normally don't recommend that you download browser toolbars, but in this case it is worth it. Besides, I love the Google Toolbar and always have. It does so much more than just let you search Google. For instance, have you tried the AutoFill feature? It's definitely worth using.

Don't forget to take a good look at the wonderful FAQ page for Google Notebook either. It has a ton of step-by-step tips to get you up and rolling. You will be a proficient Notebook user in no time at all.

So, take a little time this week to go through the Google Notebook Tour and experiment with this tool. If you like it, thank your friends at the search engine powerhouse and leave a comment here. I always like to know your thoughts.

Google Notebook Home Page:


  1. Google Notebook is really good for copy-pasting things from the net, but what if you're in a context where you're actually taking notes in class or in a meeting or just need to pound and collect some plain text?

    If you want a pure text note taking solution that is absurdly quick, barebones, and focuses on data entry check out for taking notes online.

    AyeNotes was wired for text only notes. Its key feature is that it provides clips for frequently used strings. These can be templates you type, terms you use (action items, research, etc.), or it can be programmer-esque things like HTML and Markdown.

    The site also autosaves the work and provides keystroke. If you have the site remember the login, everytime you go to to take notes online you are dropped right into the new note screen. To get your data out, you can email or download the note in multimarkdown format.


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