PCHelpware: Easy and Secure Remote Access from Anywhere


For a wonderful step-by-step PDF, click here.

This could be the answer to any small computer business's prayers.  I have not tried it yet, but I plan to soon.  

Here is what we know about it: 
PCHelpWare is a free alternative to the various paying remote assistance services that can be found on the net

PCHelpWare is a powerful remote support software that allows you to control (right from your own PC) a distant PC connected to the internet. It is the ideal solution to provide quick remote assistance and help your customers, colleagues, friends and family members, even if they are on the other side of the world

PCHelpWare is customizable: you can create your own server package with your logo and -company- name
The individual you want to remotely assist only has to download and execute your customized package. That's all

No router/modem/firewall configuration is needed to access a remote PC even when it's standing on a protected network behind a NAT
If your PC is also behind Firewall/NAT routers, PCHelpware has the solution that makes everything simple anyway
Using the provided Repeater service, no router configuration is needed at all.

Key features

  • Security: Build-in communication encryption (TWF 256) and DH key exchange (using a 512 prime)
  • File transfer (using clipboard style Copy/Paste : ctr-alt-c, ctrl-alt-v)
  • Text Chat
  • Clipboard transfer (Text, RTF, HTML, pictures)
  • Scalable and easy to use Viewer. Various color modes to fit bandwidth at best
  • International keyboard support
  • Additional password if wanted

Viewer requirements

(The Viewer is used to provide remote support and controls the remote PC once connected)
  • Windows 95, 98, ME, 2000, 2003, XP, Vista*
  • DirectX9.Oc
Server requirements
(The server is the application that runs on the remote machine to be controlled)
  • Windows 95, 98, ME, 2000, 2003, XP, Vista*
  • For optimal performances an optional Mirror Driver can be installed on 2000/2003/XP and Vista
* Vista UAC temporarily disables the remote keyboard when asking for administrator access.
This new security feature in Vista locks all applications when asking the user for this access level. It can be disabled it in Vista...

Connection without Repeater

The PCHelpware remote server initiates the connection to your Viewer. Thus the Viewer needs to be reachable from outside (the internet). If you are behind a router you have to configure it so the viewer port is forwarded to your machine. But no configuration is needed on server (remote) side

Connection through Repeater

When using the Repeater, both the Server and Viewer can stand behind a NAT firewall/router without having to configure ports forwarding. A Repeater is most time available on the uvnc server.

Connection ports

The server use one outgoing port ( default port = 5500 )
The viewer use one outgoing port ( default = 5901 ) and one incoming port (same than server default port = 5500)


What has PCHelpWare in common with UltraVNC "Single click" ?

PCHelpware has been made compatible with the helpdesk.txt (UltraVNC SC custom.zip file). But internally, all has been rewritten from scratch to be able to easily handle encryption, unicode and intel performance libraries. PCHelpWare capture, display and communication engine comes from a commercial real time remote screen application... it has his own protocole and is not compatible with UltraVNC or any other VNC flavor.

To use PCHelpware you need to use both its server and viewer.
I will be experimenting with it this week and I will let you all know how well it works from both sides: my side and the customer's.


  1. Hi,
    Great article, I to love this piece of software and use a lot :)
    I found a simpler implementation of PCHelpware at http://www.ptkoders.com, basically it's PCHelpware with some kind of wrapper

  2. What ever happened to the test?

  3. I did a lot of testing and have had hassles negotiating firewalls, even with PCHelpWare. I found some success with another product called CrossLoop. That was 90% effective, but for customers who need help on a regular basis, I helped them through the setup of LogMeIn (Free) and that is what I use the most. So, in order of preference, 1) LogMeIn Free (for regular customers. No configuration needed), 2) CrossLoop (the easiest by far, but not 100% success) and 3) PCHelpWare (configuration needed for success).

  4. its really informative and helpful article,
    its nice and lovable, great job


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